Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back to blogworld.... Revisiting myself

After a long period of 3 months now, i am trying once again, to find myself and have been on the same journey which seems to be unending. Where is the life going is a question i have often asked myself but the answer has never come from the other side. My SELF seems to be pretty bored by the same question again and again. May be it would say me very soon "Who is John Galt".

May be the answer is not to be found so easily, many before me have asked this very question and none has given a very satisfactory answer. So waht should i do now!!! May be i should forget the question altogether and let myself go wherever life is taking me, as it is anyway taking me wherever it is taking me. But i am not like this. Its just not in my nature to not to think about where i am going.And the way i see it i am consciously making a lot of choices everyday so in a way i am also responsible for the journey.
May be the only thing i can do now is to revisit my questions......So what could the questions be...hmmmm now that's an interesting question in itself. Hehe... I will think about this and come back soon.

Here is an old poem i had written a few months ago, i dont know how good it is but i think whatever it is, i have written it and i am satisfied with that.

When i close my eyes...

The heavenly sky imbued by ornage and gold
Birds singing the happy story untold

Bright morning and fresh smelling air
No reason for grief and despair
No reason to think of past
Its just the day which should forever last

Flowers vivid in purple and red
Green grass over the pastures spread
levaes oozing with pearly dew
why days like these are so very few

I open my eyes and come out of the dream
Hear the scorching and shrilling scream
the real world is so dull and pale
the facts have made our lives so stale

O how hateful the reality is
when compared to the dream
But reality is what is left with us
as soon as i open my eyes

I search the reality furthermore
to find the dream i still explore
I lost the love I lost the joy
Only dreams to dream
and memories to toy

Its so hard to realise it now
the beauty is somewhere in the past
and comes to fore only in the dream
When eyes are closed and memories stream


Blogger ev said...

you are poetic..keep it up!i dropped by coz it seems to me that our blogtitles coincide..amazing! i never thought we'd have the same sentiments in life.

God bless!

August 26, 2006 3:20 AM  
Blogger ev said...

oh!not exactly the same are journeyman...mine's "the journey".

August 26, 2006 3:22 AM  
Blogger Tiffanygirl897 said...

Hello Journeyman. I visited your blog quite a long while ago. I decided to visit again and I read the poem you wrote. That is a really good poem, by the way. I can see that God is truly using you. Also, don't give up on finding yourself. In fact, keep looking to God and you'll find yourself through Him. I learned about that in Campus Church today. Don't give up. Keep on trying. You just might find yourself if you keep on looking toward God. Be blessed. You're in my prayers always.:o)

November 05, 2006 11:40 AM  

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