Sunday, December 25, 2005

I m back

back to blogging i guess and this time with refound purpose that seems more constructive and practical. No i am not here to create my magnum opus i am just here to improve. I think a lot of things go on in my mind and i neeed a place to document it or a place where things can be noted and remembered later.
So what do i think, well like everyone else i also think a lot. A constant jabbering that goes into my mind and sometimes i find a few good ideas out of them. Like today i watched this SRK's documentary and this guy is really incredible. He has the ability to inspire you and he sounds so real may be that's because he is speaking the truth or may be he aint who knows what is imporatant is that he has climbed to the pinnacle of his career and that must have required a lot of effort. This also makes me feel more respect for vinkal and whatever he does, he obviously is inspired by SRK and would like to become SRK in some way. May be we all want to be like him. Infact i just thought to myself a few minutes ago that if one can't be like shahrukh khan one should certainly be oneself.
So what else did i think, well a lot may be. Like My Useless Shopped Equipments which i will now call MUSEs and this as of now includes a lot of clothes which i dont wear unless they are too old to wear. I will not promise to myself anything tonight coz i rarely do it but yaa i will try to get a bit organised may be that will help and will be trying to relate to people more. How? well one way seems to be by asking questions about them. lets see how much successful i am at it. Ya ya the table needs to be cleaned clothes need to put in thier right place and i also need to read more and finish motorcycle diaries.

that is it. i am off to sleep in a few minutes and yaa the presentations were good today and i realised its always better to speak slowly. will try to practice it more alas i wont get much time for that.


Blogger Unknown said...

your version of kuch din to baso was mesmerizing, awating more gazal translations, ghulam ali sahab and those writers he uses are great.

March 08, 2014 9:00 AM  

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