Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lonely and Confused

I will take the cue from the following bloggers: Syloh for her amazingly beautiful sad-poem, lil_kath for her amazingly beautiful happy poem, tiffany for her amazingly beautiful poem and many other blogs which i have visited just by chance. so this is my inspiration for writing something today.
Since it is the valentine's day and all u see around is love and lovely couples, i am still wondering if this post of mine should be sad to depict my loneliness or should it be a happy post to show my faith in love and the hope that someday it will also shower over me all the happiness that it has in store.
Its an easy guess to understand that i am in a mixed state of feelings. Walking down on street today i saw some clouds just nearby the full moon. They looked as if someone has moved her fingers across them while pondering over the thoughts of her lover. Iclosed my eyes and i could see the gentle hands of the girl. Slender finger, nails not too long,soft hands. I tried to see the face but i could not see it and i thought why in the world can i not see a face i tried to think of many nice girls i know. i could see them but as soon as i trie to link them to those hands the faces got blanked out. I then said to myself what if god grants me a wish.I remebered i pouted. I realised it soon that will be failure too. Because at this point in time i am so confused i dont know what is it i really want. True love, Happines, health of my family, there are just too many things. I think i will settle for the world peace. World peace, of all the things in this world, i settle for world peace. God i am selfish and i accept it, how in the world can i ask world peace.
Anyways i now describe what love is to me, wrote it while commenting on kath's wonderful blog.
Is love also not a reckless emotion, which turns many a things upside down. Leaving with us memories sad at times and at times heavenly. Its also an error for those who lose. But then its a mistake worth making again.
I now wish myself a love and happiness. A very happy valentines day to the readers of this blog. I actually doubt if there are any.


Blogger Kathy said...

Hey Happy Valentine to you...belated though.Umm i think you need to be more open to your feelings to all the person you love.The people we meet affects our life..the successes and downfalls that we experienced can creat whom we are and the bad experiences can learned from. Everything happens for a reason yaar..
Don't be afraid to love...do give and share,it's about doing what makes you happy and letting that joy radiate from the inside out.Life is beautiful journeyman^_~
By the way..thanx for droppin' by on my blog.Goodluck to you!


February 14, 2006 3:43 PM  
Blogger Tiffanygirl897 said...

You may doubt that anyone has read your blog but I did! I really appreciated the comment you made about my poem in your blog and on mine. All I can tell you is be patient and wait. Whoever the person is for you, God will let you know in time who it is. If you have any prayer requests, let me know. I love to pray for people. May God bless you too!


February 15, 2006 7:29 PM  

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