Tuesday, December 27, 2005

In times Like these

Yes it is in the times like this that i feel more lonely....today was a particularly bad day...its not as if this month was good one..but today the things went all too wrong. I did not apply for yet another company. I am sure people call me a big fool behind my back or may be most of them are now in awe and respect, i don't know but one thing is for sure. I would have called a guy like me a big fool.
Now this was not the only bad thing that happened today, another bad thing was that i did not call mom tonite when i so much wanted to call them. I still remember why i had thought of writing this blog in the first place. It was all because i realised that it is in the times like these when i am so lonely that i feel the need for love and then think about all that i could not get, like that girl who used to come to in evening batch or the other girls who have disappeared. The rest of the times when i do have my loved ones with me i foolishly ignore them or don't express myself. Yes i am fool.
Another bad thing was the way she was acting tonite. Why in the world does she have to be all that nakchada and why in the world can't she understand me. I play games and like others to participate too. Neways i gues i will get past her in some time.

LETS HOPE Tommorow is better.


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