Friday, March 10, 2006

Social Awareness Project

Over the last few weeks i was involoved in doing a project for an NGO. The objective was to prepare a profile of truckers residing and working in the area where the NGO operates. An interesting project which taught me the following things:

1) Sex is an elementary need of life.
Whether one is betraying his/her spouse depends on many factors. A trucker uses the service of a sex worker not because he wants to betray his wife but because the distances makes it impossible for him to survive with using such a service. I also wonder how the poor wife must be surviving.

2) Selling is a very difficult job.
Try selling an interview survey to poor and low educated truckers you will understand how difficult it is to win the trust of someone who has never met u before in his/her life. Now think about the more educated people. They are more critical, more suspicious, to sell them will be more difficult.

3) Better not be a trucker.

All in all a very good experience. Its amazing to know that there are many problems in this life which you have never faced and were unable to imagine unless you have met a person facing those problems. Liked the work and would try to continue helping in someway or the other.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

At times i fear, if loneliness and solitude could be eternal. Have you ever danced alone in crowded dance party. Did you ever feel the emptiness of heart. Some walk away from love and some give into it, the rest wait.

Why do people sympathise and say that this will be over soon. Haven't they waited. Don't they know the pain. If the soon was so soon why has it been so late.

By the way the fortune today said : "Your love life will be happy and harmonious". What do they know about me. Or if i can be sarcastic to myself, there is a harmony in solitude and so they are half correct. Why just half correct.

I wrote something today about a person who will lose out his patience very soon. Now this seems to be a forutne prediction.

Memories of a withered past
and no reason to hope

His dreams succumbed at last
His expectations dead
His eyes finally shut

how long could he wait
how much could he take
how could he survive

the wait seemed eternal
the pain seemed endless
the life seemed trivial

only if she showed up
only if she was kind
only if she was there
only if she was real